Building remote worker wellbeing into your policies and work culture will not only result in happier, healthier employees, but also reward you with a stronger culture, and a more productive and engaged workforce. Employees who feel included and fairly treated are more likely to stick around and will have an easier time connecting with their coworkers. Luckily, remote work expands an organization’s opportunities to embrace diversity and inclusion because the talent pool is no longer limited to a specific location.

benefits of working remotely

These locales have attracted many of the same type of younger, highly educated workers who can best work remotely. It remains to be seen whether the shift to remote work slows that trend, or whether the most vibrant cities remain magnets for such people. Just over half of respondents (51%) said that they are more productive working from home during the pandemic. When asked why, many cited fewer interruptions and quiet work environments (68% for both) as part of the reason for their increased productivity. And FlexJobs’ 2020 survey found that workers who thought they might be more productive working from home actually were more productive when working remotely.

The Benefits And Challenges Of Employee Remote Work

As virtual meetings become a normal business event, the technology will also improve. One way that employers can try to combat this is by optimizing work-tracking software that helps employees stay on track as well as offers them insight into how long they have been working so that they clock out on time. Instead of benching on employees learning when to close the computer and turn their attention to family time and self-care, industry leaders should set an example rather than taking advantage of the current not fixed timetable. With tech firms, financial services and insurance investing in remote work accessories, it appears they do not intend to return to the pre-pandemic work settings. Moreover, young people working in more progressive organizations are already into remote working from different parts of the world, using Airbnbs and more specialized work-life abodes. However, as the dangers of gathering in enclosed spaces became increasingly apparent, employees gradually understood the merits of working from the relative safety of home.

  • More people working remotely means fewer people commuting between home and work every day or traveling to different locations for work.
  • In 2021, I started a new job as an SEO manager that required employees to be in the office full-time, but I felt too micromanaged, so I quit and started working as a freelance writer.
  • The number one way to effectively manage remote teams is to prioritize effective communication.
  • Remote work can play a positive role in this arena, offering a sense of personal recognition between employer and employee.
  • To study the productivity effects of work-from-anywhere policies, Choudhury looked for a setting that would allow the researchers to isolate productivity changes among workers with similar job functions under different remote-work conditions.
  • Help your workforce develop an environmentally conscious mindset, whether in the office or working remotely.

Engaging employees from afar will look different than some of your go-to in-office initiatives. Frequent communication will help everyone stay on the same page and build better connections and trusted relationships across the team. If you’re new to remote work, it can be a big shift from working in an office. Here are a few remote working tips to make the transition successful for you and your team. Despite initial hesitation from more traditionally-minded leaders to invest in remote work as a viable option for the workforce, most people now agree that remote work has compelling advantages. Upwork’s Future of Workforce Pulse Report estimates that by 2025, 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels.

Thirty-five percent of job holders can work from home full-time, and 23 percent can do so part-time

When people aren’t sharing an office space, they don’t have the same opportunities for connection, communication, or collaboration. One of the biggest fears and challenges for remote managers is how to lead their teams from afar. Keeping track of how companies benefit when employees work remotely performance and building a strong team culture can feel daunting when you’re not all in an office together. Since remote employees aren’t coming into your office, they won’t necessarily come equipped with all the tools they need to be successful.

Telecommuting usually leads to fewer interruptions, less office politics, a quieter noise level, and less (or more efficient) meetings. Add in the lack of a commute, and remote workers typically have more time and fewer distractions, which leads to increased productivity—a huge benefit of working from home for both employees and employers alike. Of the Canadians reporting less productivity, 20% cited the additional burden of care responsibilities (for children or elderly parents) as the main reason (Mehdi & Morissette, 2021).

Foster a sustainability culture

Keep these tips in mind when crafting your strategy for engaging remote employees. You’ll need a multi-pronged strategy to meet your employees where they are and ensure they have the tools and support they need to stay engaged long-term. Of course, meeting these needs and expectations can be tricky when you’re not all gathered in a shared office. Below are a few ideas for keeping your remote employees engaged from day one. Building a strong remote work culture from the start can help you capitalize on the benefits of remote work while mitigating some of the risks and challenges that are unique to distributed teams.

benefits of working remotely

The absence of time wasted in commuting and travel is an obvious benefit, but they also found they were more focused when working without all the typical office distractions. Now, to learn more about telecommuting and its implications for the future of work, psychologists are studying remote work’s benefits, drawbacks and best practices. A related line of research is also exploring how to maximize the effectiveness of geographically distributed teams that rely primarily on virtual means of communication. Regular, constructive feedback from managers, coaches, and peers can help remote employees understand what is expected, identify areas for improvement, and better align their efforts with the overall goals of the team and organization.

Positive Environmental Impact

According to a Gallup poll, 56% of U.S. workers are working remotely all or part of the time. And while some may start returning to work full-time or in a more hybrid capacity, the trend towards remote work seems here to stay. Known as the ability to work from anywhere, anytime, remote work was a full-on global work movement even before the coronavirus pandemic forced many to work from their homes. Less money spent on transportation, lunch, and wardrobes suitable for the office may be shifted to other uses. Sales of home office equipment, digital tools, and enhanced connectivity gear have boomed.

benefits of working remotely

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